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At The Gate

A message from the new Editor & Publisher

Hi! I’m Bill Dugan, the new Editor and Publisher of GreenPrints Magazine. I’m thrilled to be working on this unique publication, because I have a lifetime interest in gardening and writing.

My schoolteacher father, Joe, tended a vast food and flower garden at our home in Massachusetts while I was growing up, teaching me and my seven siblings how to garden. “Always remember that tomatoes need lots of sun—more sun equals more fruit,” Dad advised. “And we need more fruit, because store-bought tomatoes are for the birds!”

And my mother, Betty, was an award-winning essayist and writer of poems and stories. “Bill, get to the point quickly so you don’t waste readers’ time!” Mom counseled. “Mom, if you’re reading this now from Heaven, sorry that I’m a bit wordy here—I’m so excited to be working on GreenPrints that I can’t restrain myself!”

I’m truly honored and lucky to have GreenPrints Founding Editor Pat Stone as my mentor in this venture—Pat might have sold the magazine to Mequoda, but he’s still onboard to guide and advise us about every story choice, every edit, and every illustration in the magazine.

Pat works tirelessly to help me learn the “ways of GreenPrints”—and I’m forever grateful for that! “Bill, always remember the magazine is about people every bit as much as plants,” Pat says when doling out his wisdom. Might that I follow closely in his footsteps!

When I started delving into all the GreenPrints content and connecting with readers like you, I realized that GreenPrints is a special community, bonded together by a deep love of gardening. And when you read GreenPrints stories:

  • You’ll have fun. Reading GreenPrints takes you away from the daily grind—and gives you a sense of fun and adventure!
  • You’ll smile and laugh. Whether it’s a chuckle or a full-belly roar, you’re certain to find funny content in GreenPrints.
  • You’ll be inspired. GreenPrints sparks you to hope and dream and to live life to the fullest.
  • You’ll feel better. More than ever, we all need the salve for the soul that GreenPrints delivers as restorative therapy

Our goal is to keep sharing the best gardening heart, humor, and inspiration in every jam-packed issue of the magazine—and to give you even more great content through GreenPrints’s everexpanding website. Please check out quick summaries of some new digital-only content, featured in this issue:

GreenPrints 2023 Spring Garden Planning Calendar—get this downloadable and printable planning calendar, so you don’t miss a single important task while you plan your Spring garden.

Spring Celebration ArtPrints & Notecards Collection Kit: Your Source for Enjoying Spring Every Moment of the Year—get this kit for creating your own memorable Spring images, with ArtPrints that can be framed and hung on your walls … and with gorgeous notecards of Spring.

Sunflower Garden Collection Kit: Your Guide to Growing & Enjoying Sunflowers—get this downloadable kit with practical information about how to grow sunflowers in your own garden.

Now go and garden … celebrate Spring … read and smile … and share it all with those you love!

Bill Dugan signature
Bill Dugan
Editor & Publisher

P.S. Please feel free to comment below if you have feedback or suggestions for GreenPrints—I would love to hear from you!


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