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Mequoda Publishing Network


Susan Barber: CA’s Susan is a now-retired microbiologist who loves to garden. Her hysterical garden misadventure tale appeared last issue.

Marianne Binetti: WA’s Marianne writes a gardening column that runs in over a dozen newspapers, has written ten garden books, gives gardening lectures, leads gardening tours, and—yes—gardens!

Ryan Stovall: From Bangor, Maine: “I’m a former Green Beret turned stone worker and gardener extraordinaire!”

H. Ni Aódagain: From Murphy, OR: “I’m a writer of fiction, essays, and poetry. My work explores the power of women, aging, spiritual practice, and living consciously.”

Heather J. Kirk: Scottsdale, AZ’s Heather is the author of I Water Dead Plants: A book of poetry and belief. “My writing is approachable and hopeful—and has a lot of humor.”

Laura Preble: El Cajon,CA’s Laura is “a writer, actor, muscian, and general art geek who has two dogs who like to edit my work with their muddy paws.”

Nancy Slack: When Nancy moved from TX to AR, she found exuberent plant life, abundant rainfall—but approximately 1.4 million more whitetail deer!

Erica Goss: Eugene, OR poet Erica won the 2019 Zocalo Poetry Prize and edits a poetry review newsletter, “Sticks & Stones.”

Susan J. Bliss: Hillsboro, OR’s Su-san is a passionate gardener, registered pharmacist, and author of We Will Be Healed: Spiritual Renewal for Healthcare Professionals.

Janeen Lewis: “A freelance writer in Kennesaw, GA, I’ve been in over a dozen Chicken Soup for the Soul anthologies—and GP. No. 97!

Jackie Hostetler: Edgerton, KS’s Jackie is “in order, mother and wife, teacher, writer, and gardener. My favorite plants are hanging ferns.”

Liz Rasley: TX’s Liz is the author of Levity: Humor and Help for Hard Times. She writes on the intersection of life, motherhood, errant planting sessions, and, sometimes, laundry.

Buds Credits

“An Old Acquaintance” (p. 21) and “October Breezy” (p. 65) both sent in by Diane Toomuth of Neosho, MT.

Contribute your favorite garden quote to“Buds.” If we use it, we’ll give you a year’s subscription.


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