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Letters to GreenPrints

I‘m renewing for three years. I’m old—I’m not sure I’ll be around in three years. But I want to help make sure that you are!

—Susan Ward, Middleton, WI

Every issue is an oasis in my life, especially important in these trying times.

—Deborah Rose, Rockhill, MD

Dear Pat and Family,

When I open the mailbox and see your sweet labor of love, it puts an ear-to-ear grin on this old mug of mine.

Thank you!

—Deborah Reyolds, Moscow, ID

I give two things these days—prayer and GREENPRINTS.

—Antoinette Johnson, Indianapolis, IN

I adore GREENPRINTS and love sharing your magazine with my friends and family for a Christmas gift that reminds us all year long of the goodness still in this world of ours.

Enclosed you will find an extra subscription for an “Unknown Friend” to help someone else. Accept my gratitude for all that your magazine has done and continues to do in the world.

—Cecilia Ford, Evansville, IN

You are the only print magazine I buy. Thank you for the stories, art, and soul.

—Bette Ross, Bay City, OR

I just passed my 100th birthday. To renew for three years might be overly optimistic. To renew for one would be pessimistic. I know—I’ll go for two!

—Helen Schuttish, Monterey, CA

In these uncertain times we live in, GREENPRINTS is a beacon of hope and renewal.

—Marianne Binetti, Seattle, WA

Your purpose is wonderful and noble. Thanks for the joy.

—Jan Feeler, Soldiers Grove, WI


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