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Emily Greenleaf & Friends Greeting Card Crafting Kit

A breath of fresh air for the soul.

As executive publisher and a devoted member of the GreenPrints Garden Club, I was thrilled to get my hands on the Emily Greenleaf & Friends Greeting Card Crafting Kit, curated with love by our very own Christy Page. Let me tell you, it’s a treasure trove of whimsy and inspiration!

Each card features enchanting illustrations straight from Emily’s enchanted garden. From talking vegetables to Ladybug Lily’s adventures, the imagery is like a breath of fresh air for the soul. And paired with Christy’s handpicked quotations, every card becomes a tiny beacon of joy.

My personal favorite? “Being unique is a cause for celebration.” It’s a reminder we could all use now and then. Plus, who wouldn’t smile at the thought of singing frogs spreading harmony and beauty?

Whether you’re sending a card to brighten someone’s day or crafting ArtPrints to adorn your own home, this kit is a must-have for anyone who believes in the magic of friendship, nature, and a good laugh. Kudos to Christy for bringing Emily Greenleaf’s world to life in such a delightful way!

Yours in gardening delight,
Don Nicholas
Executive Publisher

All-Access Members can download the Emily Greenleaf & Friends Greeting Card Crafting Kit right now by clicking the button below.

All Access Members, Download Here


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