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Letters to GreenPrints

Whew! It’s been a “looooong” Winter, and when my Winter issue didn’t come, and didn’t come, and still didn’t come, I began to think that we’d lost you to the darned virus or economy or some such thing. Then came the Spring Issue! You’re still there—Hooray!
—Jolene Kraushar, Seattle, WA
Alive and editing, Jolene! And Eva re-sent you the one that never made it.
I’ve never read anything that makes me so happy and calm.
—Clairone Delaney, Laurel, MD
BEST MAGAZINE ON THE MARKET. Bless you and your family.
—Rolene Rasmussen, Vernal, UT
You have done such a good job with this magazine through all these years. I love reading stories by a group of people who love gardening as much as I do. It feeds my soul and is a big part of who I am. Thank you for celebrating that.
—Pamela Faith, Lake City, FL
I’m writing to thank you for your illustrations. The two by Heath-er Graham last is-sue (pp. 26 & 51) really spoke to me, but I just marvel at the creative talent shown on all the pages.
—Charlotte Ihde, Oconto, WI
Thank you! We use 14 different il-lustrators each issue, from the U.S., Canada, and even South Africa. I am incredibly blessed and grateful for their caring, wonderful work.
My very favorite magazine of them all!
—Jo Glenn, Fort Royal, PA
GREENPRINTS is a must in my household. I love its joy and laughter. And I love that it does not discuss politics. (Not that I don’t have strong political views—it’s hard for me to keep my trap shut!) There’s enough political talk in the media today to fill several large dumpsters.

GREENPRINTS, on the other hand, is like a ray of sunshine. Its message of hope points to a different way of seeing—of being. It creates a sense of unity.
—Pandora Wilson, Lakewood, CO
Thank you so much for the stories and the smiles. I also enjoy ordering from the places that advertise with you. They are prompt and informative.
—Elizabeth Wilkening, Reno, NV
Readers, please do support our ad-vertisers. They are good, dedicated folks who support the magazine—and hence all of us.
I looked and looked, but there was nothing like GREENPRINTS. So when I found this order form, I knew I had to come back.
—Goldie LeBlanc, Youngsville, LA
Thank you for creating such positivity for our hurting world…Joy in the Mailbox!
—K.D. Glickman, Novato, CA


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