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At The Gate

Well, I’m embarrassed. In the 31 years (125 issues), I’ve written this column, I’ve thanked our artists…our writers…our advertisers…and, you, our readers—over and over, in fact. But I’ve never publicly thanked the person who, more than any other, helps me make this magazine possible.

My wife, Becky.

She runs our Circulation Department, entering subscriptions, making mailing lists, getting out gift cards, charging credit cards, answering customer concerns. She packs and mails book and back issue orders. And she—always cheerfully—takes phone orders.

And this isn‘t her real gig! Becky is a professional storyteller and gives one-woman shows of Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Maya Angelou, and Pauli Murray from here to Colorado.

Oh, and she’s the co-chair of Asheville’s Wortham Performing Center (and on other boards), Music Director of our church, and local political volunteer, as well as mother of 4 and Nana to 8.

Oh—and she gardens, avidly. Above you see her pulling sod to expand her flower garden this Spring. No wonder
(photo, right) she stays behind on her GP reading!

But to me one thing matters more than all the rest. Becky is the most sincere, cheerful, and caring person I know. She is the biggest blessing of my life. So, Becky, 125 issues too late, thank you.

Pat Stone, Editor


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