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Full Flower Moon

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Now we plant for Summer:
our Dorinny Sweet Corn,
our Copenhagen Market Cabbage,
our Provider Bush Snap Beans,
our Red Cored Chantenay Carrots,
our Flashy Trout Back Lettuce,
our Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach,
our Flat Leaf Italian Parsley,
our Green Romaines,
our Plum Purple Radishes, and
our Joan Turnips…
oh, and so many more seeds,
to be planted by Mother’s Day,
at the latest—but best, by
This Planting Moon—
May’s Full Flower Moon…
then, as This Moon wanes,
we’ll plant all the root crops for
Fall—we’ll set the Summer
transplants, and the names
of all these Plants and the
tastes of all these Plants
will roll off our tongues so
easily, and all the Flowers
will wave companionably,
and we’ll sing ancient songs,
about how we plant, and when,
and how human and good,
All of This, Is… .

This article was published originally in 2019, in GreenPrints Issue #118.


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