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The Garden

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Oh garden how I loathe you
With your weeds, purslane and that annoying
      lemon balm.
The sound of a fresh dandelion root popping is
      one of my favorite sounds.
The smell of herbs and marigolds keeps me calm.
Oh garden how I adore you
Planting, cultivating, and reaping—this is my church
      of the soil.
Digging in the dirt brings me consolation
And eating your produce brings me further joy.
Oh garden how I miss you
When autumn turns to winter and I’m stuck inside.
Turning the pages of garden catalogs and
      organizing my seeds.
Oh this snow I cannot abide.
Oh garden how I need you
To give me hope of a new spring meaning.
Get out the tiller and new gardening gloves
For another season of avoiding house cleaning.

This article was published originally in 2015, in GreenPrints Issue #104.


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