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Mequoda Publishing Network

At The Gate

Illustration by SHELLEY JACKSON

My Personal Note to You

Dear _________,

Please write your name in the blank. Really. Fetch something to write with and, before you continue reading, write your name. I mean it—no cheating! Put the mag down, get a pen, and use it.

Thank you. You see, I want you to consider this page as my personal thank-you note to you. You are the reason this quirky, warm, funny, and caring little journal exists. Exists? Heck, next issue’ll be the start of our 30th year! I am honored to work with wonderful writers, incredible artists, and great garden businesses. But your appreciation and support and sharing of “The Weeder’s Digest” is most important of all.

You get it (in both senses). So I get to keep making it.

Thank you. May your holidays be blessed. May we all appreciate what we have. May you get to cherish your loved ones. And may the season bring you caring, sharing, and joy,

Pat Stone, Editor


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