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Mequoda Publishing Network


Sean Dietrich: A columnist and novelist from Santa Rosa Beach, FL, Sean is known for his wise—and funny—words on the American South.

Karin Hedetniemi: A published writer and photographer from BC, Canada, Karin recently installed a Little Free Library on her front lawn.

Helen Stuart: Helen decided that her 3-year-old daughter deserved to eat organic. So she grew her a garden. Or was it the other way around?

Susan Bliss: OR’s Susan is a gardener, a registered pharmacist, and author of We Will Be Healed: Spiritual Renewal for Healthcare Professionals. Her work last appeared in Issue 124.

Rebecca Linam: When not battling squash bugs, AL’s Rebecca enjoys playing the harpsichord, figure skating, and learning Russian.

Sherrie Dulworth: A NY transplant from five generations of KY farmers, she’s a certified tree farmer, proving you can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t…

Gaylord Brewer: Gaylord has two poetry collections, The Feral Condition and Worship the Pig. His work appeared in Issue 126.

Nancy Slack: Based on this piece and her hilarious “Deer Gardens” in Issue 124, Nancy has a knack for wildlife mishaps!

Barbara Kodner: A longtime writer, Barbara once even did a book of stories of octogenarians who’d lived in the same country farmhouse as their parents.

Rose Halter: Benton, MO’s Rose grows some of the most beautiful hydrangea plants with help from her husband Bill.

Mary Herrington Perry: A published author and master naturalist from IL, Mary raises bees, organic food, and native plants.

Cheryl L. Davison: CO’s Cheryl restores old houses and old gardens. Her work appeared in Issues 118, 121, 122, and 123.

Contributing Editor Diana Wells is recovering from health issues, so we’ve rerun classics of hers (from Issues 6 and 33) in this issue and in the last.

Buds Credits

“Non-Gardening Observers” sent in by Casper Stone’s Papa. “In June” sent in by Dianne Toomoth of Neosho, MO. “Put Off Living” from Holly Farrell’s Gardening for Mindfulness.

Contribute your favorite garden quote to “Buds.” If we use it, we’ll give you a year’s subscription.


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