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Letters to GreenPrints

I want to express my gratitude to Pat and Becky for providing this wonderful magazine. I read them from cover to cover, enjoying all of the stories. I even color in some of the beautiful illustrations. I’m so glad to know that it will continue. Pat and Becky, enjoy your well-earned retirement.

—Lorna Shelto, Baltic, CT

Pat, I have always loved GREENPRINTS. Now I have a new reason why. My sister with Alzheimers will read & re-read issues all the way through. It is the only periodical she reads instead of just flipping through. Your magazine brings her joy. Me, too! Keep it up.

—Betty Sharpless, Asheville, NC

Your magazine is an oasis of peace in a crazy, loud world. Thank you!

—Katherine Pankiewicz, Brookline Station, MO

Dear Pat, Becky, Eva & all staff, as you transition GREENPRINTS and your lives into this next phase, I wanted to thank you for the loving work you’ve done over the years. GREENPRINTS is unique and I have enjoyed it so much. You have touched people in a special way and the kindness has rippled out into the world. Thank you for all that you have done. Best wishes for happiness in the com-ing years.

—Cathy McFadin, Bloomington, IL

Big shoes to fill, but I know that you’ll do well. This is a gift to my son’s mother-in-law, so don’t let me down!!

—Bryan and Yvonne Ivory, Shallotte, NC

We are so grateful that Pat and Becky are still with us in an advisory role, and that Eva and Harriett chose to stay on and continue working for GREENPRINTS! They are gems.


I discovered GREENPRINTS in 2007 and have saved issues since #69 with only a couple missing. (I probably lent them and never got them back.) This Winter I have been re-reading them in order and am starting #109 today. It’s been fun!

—Phyllis Schwechel, Aplington, IA

I have thoroughly enjoyed this magazine over these many years. The stories have reminded me of things I have done, felt, and experienced or of my family and friends. They are heartwarming, friendly and also informative. It’s almost like receiving a letter from someone telling me their story. Needless to say, I look forward to receiving each and every edition, and I saved them over the years to re-read them. Thank you so much.

—Christina Hoff-Layton, Elizabeth City, NC

I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed your magazine. I look forward to every issue!

—Mickey Norton, Dalton, GA

Kim, when I first read Pat and company were retiring, I said “NO!” Thankfully, I flipped to the page explaining everything that’s happening. My mom I introduced me to GREENPRINTS (she’s passed), and hopefully I can pass on my love to one of my 15 grandchildren. I’ve passed this magazine on to my sister, my sister-in-law, and others. May it continue with your team. And even though I’m 72, I’m open to digital media. With all those grandkids I have to keep up! Thanks again for continuing this precious magazine.

—Laurel Kaemerer, San Diego, CA

I so love my “Weeder’s Digest.” It has been a life-saver during the pandemic. I color the always wonderful illustrations as I meditate on my good fortune. Bless you all.

—Judith Spiegel, Venetia, PA

Thanks for allowing me to live the gardener’s life thru your publications. Looking forward to the new emails.

—Robin Ryan, Thornton, CO


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