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Mequoda Publishing Network


Gloria Griepenstroh: Illinois’s Gloria has been published in Farm & Ranch Living, Country, Grit, Backwoods Home, and more.

Lew-Ellyn Hughes: “I’m an award-winning Maine columnist and author. I am also a gardener, although I’ll never win an award for that!”

Benjamin Inglis: Ontario’s Ben has voluntarily taken on improving GP’s Facebook page and blog. Check out his great social media work!

Lorri Danzig: From Woodbridge, CT: “Gardening is not a hobby for me. It’s a way of living. It brings peace, sanity, and sanctity to my otherwise hectic life. I garden for the same reason I write: to air out my soul.”

Wanda B. Ferguson: From Sandy River Pit, ME: “My writing credentials include 32 years as a home and garden columnist and two self-published books. I suffer from an erratic funny bone which often erupts mid-sentence.”

Katherine Armbruster-Kittle: From Pleasant Valley, NY: “I’ve written three mystery novels waiting for the right person to recognize their splendor :). I am so happy to have found your magazine. Without it I wouldn’t have written this.”

Marianne Power: From Monson, MA: “I have yet to read a story on the organic elimination of Japanese knotweed. So I wrote one.”

Diane Donovan: From Petaluma, CA: “Bill is the Master Gardener for our 2.5 acre country property. I applaud his successes and write a blog at

Loren Billings: From Jackson, NH: “I often close out my day reading one of your stories. This time I have a little story to share with other readers.”

Melanie Lee: “My passions are gardening, farming, and outdoor living. I write on these and more at”

Jan Rittmer: IA’s Jan writes about everything from motorcycle riding to snorkeling, but her love of plants and flowers sustains her and, at 80, is more “age appropriate.”



“Butterfly” (cover) and “Little Garden” (p. 25) both sent in by Tammy Troglin of Lithia Springs, GA.

Contribute your favorite garden quote to“Buds.” If we use it, we’ll give you a year’s subscription.


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