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Three Poems

From a British gardener, you know—one “across the pond.”

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End of Year Evaluation

January: stark stagnation.
February: no variation.
March: slug gang infiltration.
April: nettle infestation.
May: hot sun! Need irrigation.
June: urgent deforestation!
July: rain: inundation.
August: mud; exasperation!
September: harvest desperation.
October: leaves cause drain blockation.
November: bleak dilapidation:
rotting, reeking vegetation.
December: time off! Celebration!
Send the garden to dam…
but you can do the pronunciation.


Through the Ripples

Looking through the lily pond,
through light and shade and tone…

Looking deep, past flower and frond:
looking for my phone.


Bumper Harvest

Is your kitchen spacious?
Long and not too narrow?
Could you do a favour?
Could you take a marrow?

It won’t fit your basket;
it’s far too big to clutch.
I’ll wheel it round in the barrow.
Thank you, oh so much!


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