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Letters to GreenPrints

We are always grateful to hear from our readers. Please send your comments, feedback, and suggestions to with “Subscriber Feedback” in the email subject line.

Thank you. I enjoy your magazine very much. I read one story at breakfast each morning until I finish it. That way I have something to look forward to each morning, and the enjoyment lasts much longer than to read it all at once. Keep up the good work.
—Shirley Toney, Franklin, IN

Love your publication so much that I am sending a subscription as a thank-you to a friend!
—Linda Charley, Kittanning, PA
I was moved to tears by Becky Rupp’s article, “Following the Sun.” Thank you, Becky.
—Constance Pike, Orange, MA
I support the new tagline “Gardening Stories from the Heart”; The old “Weeders’ Digest” one always struck me as suggesting that “the stories contained herein might be as trite as those found in the old Reader’s’ Digest magazine.” But I never found that to be true. “Gardening Stories from the Heart” lands much closer to the truth. Each story contains gems that touch me, sometimes very deeply. Indeed, sometimes so deeply that I have to put the story aside and wait for my eyes to clear. Thank you.
—Mike Honig, Gaithersburg, MD
Thank you so much for keeping GREENPRINTS going!
—Cathy Minkler, Wichita, KS
I enjoy your stories! When I am down and need a pick-me-up, I can always count on your magazine to give me a lift!
—Kathleen Reupert, Cincinnati, OH
Dear GREENPRINTS, When our 10-year-old granddaughter Maggie comes to visit, one of the first things she does is check to see if a new issue of GREENPRINTS has arrived. Thank you for publishing a magazine that is a joy and encouragement to both of us.
—Stephanie Peacock, Vincennes, IN

PLEASE: If you are on a fixed income or have another reason why you can’t afford to renew, please contact us at customercare@greenprints. com and we will work something out. We don’t want you to miss out on getting GreenPrints!


I just love the stories. I’ve gotten my husband hooked on GREENPRINTS, too! We’re looking forward to the next issue! Thanks again!
—Lynda Figurido, Rockport, MA

Call for Submissions!

Calling all gardening writers—we seek gardening stories that are true and personal, expressive and thoughtful, and humorous and witty. We want stories for all seasons of the year, but we especially want stories with a Winter theme right now! We want stories that “show, don’t tell” and are heartfelt—a story you would tell a friend or family member. Dialogue is a great way to demonstrate the feelings and situations. We don’t do sappy or preachy stories, so please avoid those types. Finally, your story should have a strong ending—a creative and forceful conclusion that ends your story with a wham and a wow! Your story should be between 600-1,500 words. We’ll pay $100-$150 per story, and we pay on your acceptance of First North American Serial Rights (unless you’ve already published your story somewhere else first; we’re happy to reprint garden writing pieces—as long as they’re good!). Please submit stories by emailing them to with “Story” in the subject line.


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