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Mequoda Publishing Network

At The Gate


A message from your magazine’s founder

For 32 years, I wrote every “At the Gate” column published in this magazine. This issue marks the end of the first year GreenPrints has been under Mequoda’s stewardship, so I asked if I might sneak back in this time and share a word.

When I regularly wrote this column, I tried to avoid penning a preview of the issue’s stories. After all, you were about to discover them for yourself.

But this time, I can’t resist giving you a sneak peek because I’m so delighted with the job the Mequoda team is doing! GP 132 marks the end of their first year stewarding GP, and every edition has been outstanding. Just look at a few of this issue’s stories:

“The Boysenberry Saga:” A gardener accidentally saves the original, century-old boysenberry from extinction? What a unique and fascinating tale!

“Lily Bushes:” Why have you never before read a story about guinea pigs in the garden? You’re about to find out!

“The Flower Shop:” The ins and outs of running a flower shop wrapped up in a beautiful story on love and parenting? Priceless.

“The Upside-Down Flower Tree:” Charming. Absolutely charming.

And that’s just four of the enchanting pieces in GP 132. What are you waiting for? Turn the page!

Pat Stone signature

Pat Stone,
Founding Editor

  • Thank you Pat, for your many years & labors of love. I treasure every issue and still have them on my shelves.


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