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Mequoda Publishing Network

At The Gate

Illustration by SHELLEY JACKSON

More to Enjoy, More to Share

Inside Secret: This issue has six full—(or almost full—)page illustrations (not counting BUDS art). Last issue had only two. Why the difference? Unlike with most magazines, GP layouts always fill whole pages. So the word count of a story determines how much space is left for art. (Samurai Stone often cuts stories with his Editor’s Sword to make more.) Enjoy the extra art—this time (grin!).

This issue also has more pages, as well, because it’s 88 pages long instead of the normal 80. You can thank our advertisers for that: There’re almost 18 pages of ads this issue! Please patronize our advertisers. Most are small, personal businesses run by dedicated gardeners who sell fine products. And tell them GP sent you!

I love this issue. It has warmth, humor, wit, and wisdom. There’s a pondering frog and a beloved blind dog. A gardener harrassed by a stranger and another shocked (in a good way) by her students. Lessons from salads—and from stumps. There’s even a spooky story—and an all-time classic first run in 1991!

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have creating it. And I sincerely hope you’ll share it with your gardening friends and family by giving them gift subscriptions to this much-loved “Weeder’s Digest.” Take advantage of our 5-for-4 holiday-gift offer on your left. They’ll get the blessing of the magazine. You’ll get their gratitude.

Pat Stone, Editor


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