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Dave Bachmann: “I’m a retired special-ed teacher who taught for 39 years in AZ. I now live and write in CA with my wife Jay and lab Scout.” His work appeared in Issue 129.

Ed Witman: From Toms River, NJ: “I am a retired professor of philosophy and a nongardening husband.” His work appeared in Issue 126.

Pumpkin Sketch
Allyson Ernst: A master gardener from Harrison, OH: “I work in a children’s garden weeding, watering and being goofy. I’ve played the part of a mad scientist, a cricket, and even an opossum.”

LaVerne Otis: Southern CA’s LaVerne is a two-time colon cancer survivor who loves writing, photography, birdwatching, gardening, and spending time with family.

John Hershey: A CO lawyer who loves to garden, John has shared his wonderful wit and humor in 17 past issues of GreenPrints!

Darlene Blasing: Muskegon, MI’s Darlene has an ebook on Amazon, Bargain Paradise, that is a funny story about an obsessive gardener and her neglected spouse.

Robert Leponge: A former soldier, Robert lives and gardens in France with his deaf and half-blind cocker spaniel Monty.

Steve Aegerter: “I am Denver, CO’s Garden Guy, a landscape designer specializing in waterwise landscaping.” His work appeared in Issue 118.

Saundra Middleton: Growing up in Alaska, she learned slugs are like ninjas—small, nimble and secretive. But she finally found a way to defeat them!

Stephen J. Cooper: Says this teacher from Valencia, PA, “My primary goal is finding new ways of sending my students home covered in grass stains and topsoil.”

Cheryl L. Davison: CO’s Cheryl restores old houses and old gardens. Her work appeared in Issues 118, 121, 122, 123 and 130.

Liana Mahoney: A mom of three from upstate NY, and author of the children’s book Forest Green, Liana will do almost anything to make her garden grow better.

Contributing Editors: Diana Wells (123 issues with a rerun in this issue), Becky Rupp (89 issues), and Mike McGrath (86 issues) have been valuable mainstays of the magazine for decades.

Buds Credits

“Autumn is a Season” sent in by Susan Sides of Fairview, NC.

Contribute your favorite garden quote to “Buds.” If we use it, we’ll give you a year’s subscription.


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